Proposé par

Alain Mayne
Branding transition strategy
Alain Mayné has a broad experience in marketing communication, design and
He empowers a lot of organizations and brands in many different sectors to become
more relevant, more meaningful, deliver more positive impact and position
themselves in the 10 big transitions our world is facing.
Not only by developing their positioning but also by challenging them to become
more robust – more than resilient- and embrace these transitions in a positive and
meaningful way. Alain has helped to position many brands in many different sectors,
fom corporate accounts to sms’e, non-profit and associations, from established
brands like ULiège, Belfius, Delhaize, Deli, to startups like BeeOdiversity, Tale Me,
from NGO’s like WeSocialMovement or Les Petits Riens-Spullenhulp to federations,
associations or institutions like VBO-FEB or Agoria…
Alain has occupied various positions in business and branding strategy, marketing,
communication and design : from account manager at DDB and American Express,
glass designer, Strategic Planning Director at Hoet&Hoet, board Member at BAM and
BMMA and transition strategist at AMI. He is actually member of the Sustainability
Think Tank and Marketing Technology Think Tank at BAM.
He defines himself as a game changer strategist and a transitioner. Alain is
TedXspeaker and has given many conferences and talks in universities, associations
and companies.
In his strategic marketing and business career, Alain has always pursued the societal
extra mile. The new society model is on its way, it “only” needs, courage, a positive
attitude and…a name
This personal quest has become part of his consulting practice as a strategic
transition consultant.
Sujet abordé :
« Le Marketing au service de la transformation »
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